Marx on free trade

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Sep 27 21:22:31 PDT 1999

>We've heard about the socialism/nationalism of fools.
>More to the point is that free trade ideology is
>the freedom of Capital. Sort of like the little
>old lady who spoke at the Reform Party convention
>(she had been doing a walk across the U.S. on
>behalf of campaign finance reform). She made a
>speech which began something like, "I'm here to
>reject the principle that money is speech and
>corporations are persons."

I like labor standards and environmental standards when they are devices to induce progress in other countries. I don't like them when they are excuses for protection.

The line, I admit, is fine, and its location changes day by day...

Brad DeLong, neoliberal scum

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