east timor - a people's reconstruction programme

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Tue Sep 28 21:12:21 PDT 1999

[further to the below, australian building and maritime unions have announced a programme to send materials and building workers to rebuild houses and infrastructure (and do a bit of skills transfer along the way). a crucial part of rebuilding, but also of minimising debt bondage. - Angela]


In the referendum on August 30th, a huge majority of East Timorese voted against "annexation" to Indonesia. However, immediately after the referendum, there were massive attacks by "pro-Indonesian" militias, supported by the Indonesian Military against the people, in spite of strong condemnation from international society. So far, at least hundreds of people have been killed, more have been injured, and even more have had to flee from their hometowns -- or even from East Timor.

In spite of president Habibie's promise that the Indonesian government would respect the results of the referendum, the massive violence which fell upon East Timorese even swept away UNAMET staff. The Indonesian military is primarily responsible for the security of East Timorese, but it has allowed the militia's cruel violence, and even supported it.

We, as people in Japan, keenly wish to establish peace, justice, and democracy in East Timor. We would like to appeal for a people's strategy to build a stable peace in the Asia region, gathering the power of people who want peace in East Timor.

We propose the following, as people's direct contribution to East Timor; We will develop the People's Peace Relief Project, using funds raised from citizens. 1. As a first step, we will push to Japanese and Indonesian government to immediately secure safe conditions for relief activities. Simultaneously, we will call on people all over the world to form an international solidarity movement to surround East Timor, to build peace and stability there. 2. We will bring food and medicines as emergency relief to the people remain in East Timor and refugees in West Timor. 3. We will provide support to people's self-support groups with relief items and medical staff.

Please support this project! POSTAL BOOK-TRANSFER (YUBIN-FURIKA'E) 00190-0-151832 OR DAI-ICHI-KANGYO-BANK/KANDA BRANCH (FUTSU)1910083 In the name of BHigashi-Timor Shimin Heiwa Kyuen-Tai Contact address: East Timor People's Peace Relief Project C/o Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC) Hinoki Bldg.3f 2-1, Kanda Ogawamachi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052 JAPAN Tel. +81-3-3291-5901 fax. +81-3-3292-2437 E-mail parc at jca.apc.org

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