for you anti-anti-overpopulation types

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Sep 30 07:59:43 PDT 1999

David Jennings:
>Saw a bumper sticker this morning on my way to work that JH would
>"More Jobs?! What about Less People?"
>This comfortably co-exists with a peace sign, a ying-yang thingy, "I slow
>for manatees", "Save the Sea Turtle", "Free Tibet", and others.
>In the bad Old Days, 'we' were satisfied with subjugating dark skinned
>peoples. Now in the brave New (Clintonite) Days, 'we' wouldn't dream
>of such a thing. Rather we would prefer that they had the good sense
>not to exist in the first place. They wouldn't be bitching about those
>jobs then, would they?

While I count myself among anti-anti-overpopulation types, I do have to say I'm fond of manatees, or what manatees symbolically represent in my mind (an anti-type of the system that compulsively generates high productivity together with less free time).

Shiftless of the World, Unite!


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