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This ia from today's Kansas City Star story about the decision by the state's
Board of Education to adopt "new" science standards:
<P><<The compromise version approved Wednesday was put together by
conservative board members Scott Hill and Steven Abrams, and by Harold
Voth, who had been considered a moderate. Joining in the vote to adopt
it were Linda Holloway, John Bacon and Mary Douglass Brown.
<P>The version deletes references to macroevolution, the process of change
from one species to another, but leaves references to microevolution, or
changes within species.
<P>It does not prohibit the teaching of evolution. But some fear that teachers
will drop the teaching because macroevolution will not be included on state
tests. There also are concerns that groups could bring
<BR>pressure on teachers to drop evolution from the curriculum. >>
<P>Full text: <A HREF="http://www.kcstar.com/item/pages/home.pat,local/3773c272.811,.html">http://www.kcstar.com/item/pages/home.pat,local/3773c272.811,.html</A></HTML>