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<b>Tom, thanks for an opportunity to respond to the critics of working</b>
<br><b>people in my industry. I can't begin to tell you how hard
<br><b>stereotypes are to kill. I believe these notions flow from
<br><b>mentality of total surrender to the entertainment industry.
<br><b>an illusion that film workers are rich, that our jobs are glamorous,</b>
<br><b>and all we do is sit around on apple boxes all day counting our</b>
<br><b>overtime. Since Michael Eisner earns a half billion in a year,
<br><b>must be true, huh? Traditionally our craft has lived in the
<br><b>of the movie stars and the Hollywood hype, which 99% of Americans</b>
<br><b>naively buy without question.</b>
<p><b>The other day when I was on a picketline with other unionists</b>
<br><b>protesting free trade policies, a well-meaning liberal approached
<br><b>and said how encouraging it was too see white-collar workers on
<br><b>picket line too. We are NOT white collar workers.
Our collars are</b>
<br><b>union-blue. We swing hammers for a living, lay cable, load
and unload</b>
<br><b>tons of equipment, operate heavy machinery, drive 40 footer tractor</b>
<br><b>trailers, dig ditches, and do all the hard work other working people</b>
<br><b>do. The only difference is our job security amounts to the
first 8</b>
<br><b>hours of the work day, we generally earn less per hour than the
<br><b>trade in other industries, and our working conditions are among
<br><b>worst in the world. We are probably the only group of workers
in the</b>
<br><b>world fighting (still without success) for a 14 hour work day.
<br><b>work a minimum of six hours straight with no breaks and a work day
<br><b>run up to 24 hours with a nine hour turnaround to get back for another</b>
<br><b>long shift, and sometimes we die on the freeways trying to get home.</b>
<br><b>How many of the millions who saw 'Pleasantville' know that IATSE</b>
<br><b>brother Brent Hershman fell asleep and died on the freeway after
a 20</b>
<br><b>hour work day, trying to get home to see his daughters before grabbing</b>
<br><b>a few hours of sleep?</b><b></b>
<p><b> The scale wages in my local for a skilled lighting electrician,
<br><b>takes years of informal apprenticeship to learn is $26, but we're</b>
<br><b>lucky to get it. Newer concessionary contracts in the wake
of the</b>
<br><b>Canadian runaways have dropped down to $12.50 an hour, which doesn't</b>
<br><b>go far in a city like LA.</b>
<p><b>Yes, IATSE systematically excluded women and racial minorities, and</b>
<br><b>made it tough for non-relatives to be admitted. I could add
that our</b>
<br><b>union was once owned by the Chicago mob, and that it was a driving</b>
<br><b>force of the Hollywood Blacklist. In fact up to a thousand
<br><b>workers (along with the heart and soul of democratic unionism)
<br><b>driven from the backlots in the 1940's by IATSE.</b><b></b>
<p><b>To condemn our workers for the actions of our union is to condemn
<br><b>workers everywhere, because with the exception of the handful of</b>
<br><b>left-led unions, what union wasn't guilty of exclusionism and</b>
<p><b>I don't know what our demographic figures are. Less than 5%
of our</b>
<br><b>electricians are women. We wish there were more, but this
<br><b>requires you to be able to lift a hundred pound piece of cable off
<br><b>ground and throw it in a truck -- to do it in snow, rain, or 110</b>
<br><b>degree heat, sometimes on very little sleep, without days off, or</b>
<br><b>regular meal breaks. Our members come from all over the US
and the</b>
<br><b>world. We have many Latinos and Asians, not so many African</b>
<br><b>Americans. Entry into the locals has been formalized to the
<br><b>where most new members are NOT relatives. Our camera local
is wide</b>
<br><b>open, and anyone with a small amount of experience and a hefty</b>
<br><b>initiation fee can gain entrance.</b>
<p>P<b>lease don't fall for the Hollywood hype that wants you to believe</b>
<br><b>this is a happy kingdom of sunglasses and limousines where all the</b>
<br><b>workers drive Mercedes. We're the working class and we always
<p><b>I hope this helps in clearing up anti-worker stereotypes about the</b>
<br><b>Hollywood working class.</b><b></b>
<p>An honest answer from a movie electrician,
<p>Tom Lehman
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