Fw: [noborder] Refugee Congress in Jena: programme/English

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Fri Apr 7 00:43:26 PDT 2000

----- Original Message ----- From: "AG3F" <AG3F at oln.comlink.apc.org> Caravan for the Rights of the Refugess and Migrants Refugee Congress 20th April to 1st May 2000 in Jena

Unite Against Deportation and Social Exclusion

Abolition of the "district pass laws for residence obligation (LandKreis Residenzflicht)" that forbid the rights to freedoom of movements for refugees in Germany.

Programme for the Caravan Congress for the rights of refugees and migrants from April 20th to May 1st in FS University Jena, Carl Zeiss Str. 3, Ernst Abbe Platz

The 10 days programme is structured in topical main focuses and is prepared and co-ordinated by Caravan groups from different cities.

Thursday, 20th of April 8.00 p.m. opening event - Welcoming ( The VOICE Africa Forum/ Jena ) - The Voice/ Jena and Internationaler Menschenrechtsverein / Bremen: " Unite Against Deportation and Social Exclusion"- background and aims of the Caravan Congress - Peter Clausing: neglect and abuses of Human Rights in Europe - Latest overview over the programme

Friday, 21st of April " We are here because you destroy our countries" ( part one ) Globalisation, neo-liberalism and human rights abuses from the viewpoint of the south; social movements in resistance and their international network. 9.30 to 12.30 a.m.: Introductory contributions from representatives of different continents: - Bonny Ibhawoh/ Nigeria: Neo-colonialism and the destruction of Africa through multinational concerns - Mario Morales/ Chile: The birth of neo-liberalism in Latin America - H. Gerger/ Kurdistan: Geo-political power interests in Middle East - Restriction of free movement of refugees (residence obligation) and international law. A peoples' rights assessment 2.00 to 6.30 p.m.: Discussion and working groups, inter alia to: - the struggle for freedom of political prisoners world-wide - the international struggle for freedom of movement and the situation of refugees in 0Germany - the destruction of culture and the fight for our rights - maquiladores, multinational agreements to free trades and the exploitation of labour - geo-political strategies of imperialism - the world of international finance and how it functions - social movements and their network; the struggle of civil society 8.00 to 10.00 p.m.: Discussion rounds to the planned contra-actions to the Expo 2000 in Hanover

Saturday, 22nd of April " We are here because you destroy our countries" ( part two ) 9.30 to 12.30 a.m.: Introductory contributions inter alia with: - Calixto Anapa - representative of the CONAIE/ Ecuador: The rebellion in Ecuador against the dollarisation of the economy - Josephine Odumakin Okei -Campaign for Democracy/Nigeria: Fight for the Human Rights in Africa 2.00 to 6.30 p.m.: Discussion in working groups, inter alia also: - The struggle for land and the influence on migration - National Alliance of Peoples Movements - India: consequences of neo-liberalism in the Indian Subcontinent 8.00 to 10.00 p.m.: Final plenum concerning the topic complex: " We are here because you destroy our countries".

Contact and further information: Internationaler Menschenrechtsverein, Wachmannstr. 81, D - 28209 Bremen, phone.: 0049-421-5577093, fax: 0049-421-5577094, e-mail: mail at humanrights.de; AG Chiapas, Lange Geismar Str. 73, 37073 Göttingen, phone: 0049-551-58894, fax: 0049-551-58898, e-mail: ag_chiapas at hotmail.com

Sunday, 23rd of April "Fortress Europe and the international Organisations of the ,Sans Papiers'" (part one) 9.30 to 11.00 a.m.: Introductory Contributions: - Caravan Committee Hanau: Globalisation, fortress Europe and the labour market - Omeheira Lopez, Border Documentation Center - Reynosa/ Mexico: border regime and exploitation differences between USA and Mexico - Katrin Mc Gauran, Statewatch - London / UK: actual developments in the restrictive standardization of the European asylum and migration politics ( EU - action plans, harder immigration preventive measures, new deportation strategies )

11.00 to 12.30 a.m. and - after the lunch break - 2.00 to 6.30 p.m.: Country reports: - France: Sans Papiers, National co-ordination Paris - Italy: Ya Basta - group from Milano - Belgium: Sans Papiers Collective from Bruxelles - Great Britain: anti deportation initiatives and Kalayaan (domestic worker trade unions for migrants ) - The Netherlands: Self-organisation of the so called "white illegals" - Portugal: Olho Vivo from Lissabon - Austria: For One World without racism from Vienna - Spain: Moroccan immigrants from El Ejido - Poland: Collective Rozbrat from Poznan - Switzerland: Refugium Zürich - Germany: Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants 8.00 to 10.00 p.m.: Discussion rounds, inter alia: - Situation on the US-Mexican border - Experiences with legalisation programmes in Europe ( Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium ) Movies on antiracist fights in Europe

Monday, 24th of April " Fortress Europe and the international Organisation of the ,Sans Papiers'" ( part two ) 9.30 to 11.00 a.m.: Presentation of European network projects: - RESPECT: network of domestic workers, report of Kalayaan - "No border": network of supporting groups and anti-racist activists - "For an open Europe": conferences of Paris via Amsterdam to Jena....demands and perspectives of one by the Sans Papiers initiated network. 11.00 to 12.30 a.m. and 2.00 to 6.30p.m.: working groups with concrete proposals for united actions and campaigns, inter alia to: - 1st May ( and the elaboration of a European manifesto ) - border camps in Poland, Italy, Germany....in USA/Mexico; campaign against flight companies which are involved in deportation ( prepared by "No border" - groups ) - Unite for mobilisation against the French EU - presidency, starting on the 1st July 2000, with a central summit meeting in December in Paris prepared by the Sans Papiers from Paris ) - Tour of refugees in Europe for open borders and demonstrations against the restriction of refugees to one "Landkreis" (the local police districts; so called "Residence obligation") in Germany

8.00 to 10.00 p.m. final plenum concerning the topical complex "fortress Europe"

Contact and further information: Caravan committee Hanau, Metzgerstr. 8, D - 63450 Hanau Phone: 0049-172-6688454 , Fax: 0049-6181-184892, Email: AG3F at OLN.comlink.apc.org

Tuesday, 25th April ( visit of an international delegation of the Caravan congress to the Thuringen deportation prison in Untermaßfeld, with press conference at that place )

"Social exclusion, racism and fascism" ( part one ) 9.30 to 12.30 a.m.: Introductory contributions: - Caravan group South-Baden, The VOICE, Caravan group in Nuremberg and Rostock: residence obligation and camp accommodation as deterrence and isolation strategy; " Asylberwerberleistungsgesetz" (asylum searchers' benefit laws ), project X (Braunschweig/ Oldenburg ) and internment Ansbach ) as extreme form of social exclusion, concentration of refugees in containers (Hamburg harbour) and refugee camps in forests (Tambach Dietharz and Weilrode in Thueringen and Dürswitz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and more) - ARAB / Bremen: essential traits of control and criminalisation policies ( also look at www.is-bremen.de/arab) - MIB / Paris: self-organisation and resistance against racist police practices - African refugees from Bad Grund, Rathenow and Lübeck: fascist attacks and racism of society - Office Medical Aid/ Berlin: health care of refugees. Political perspectives and demands !? - ASOLA/ Hamburg: surviving strategies in illegalisation - Friends from the supporting group of Hakki/ Bremen: the fight against social exclusion and double punishment

2.00p.m to 6.30 p.m.: Working groups concerning the introductory contributions

8.00p.m to 10.00 p.m.: Discussion round: Esteban Cuya/ Peru: dictatorships and impunity for perpetrators, experiences from Latin America

Wednesday, 26th of April "Social exclusion, racism and fascism" ( part two ) 9.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m. to 2.00 p.m to 6.30 p.m.: Resumption of the working groups of the day before

2.00 p.m.: Departure of a big delegation to the visit of the concentration camp Buchenwald. With a guided tour.

8.00 p.m to 10.00 p.m.: Final plenum of the 3rd topical complex

Contact and further information: ARAB Bremen, Siewallstr. 38, 28203 Bremen, Phone: 0049-421-706444, fax: 0049-421-706445, email: carien at vossnet.de The VOICE e.V. Africa Forum, Schillergäßchen 5, 07745 Jena, Phone: 0049-3641-665214/423794, fax: 0049-3641-423795, email: THE_VOICE_Jena at gmx.de

Thursday, 27th of April "Women on flight and in migration" 9.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m.: Beginning in the plenum: brief presentation of the work of the initiatives and the present campaigns; subsequent split in working groups: - campaign for the defence of women's rights in Iran: women in Islamic States, assistance for refugee women in Germany - committee of the 8th of March and IMRV: forced veiling of Iranian women through the German police; the situation of Iranian and Afghan women in Germany - IMRV/ Bremen: campaign against apartheid in German family laws - Representatives of Kurdish women's movement: the autonomous women's organisation within the Kurdish liberation fight, effects of the PKK-prohibition on the independent women's organisation in the refugee movement in Germany - A female speaker of the Tamil women's movement: about the experiences of women in the Tamil liberation movement and about their role in the struggle for refugees' rights in Germany - Villa Courage ( International culture and refugee home for women ) / Freiburg and the Committee of Filipino Migrant Workers/ Amsterdam: struggle against those parts of immigration law that tie the right of a woman to remain in the country to marriage with a man who has the right of residence - Agisra group (Frankfurt/Cologne): fight against criminalisation of - illegal - prostitutes - Agisra/ Cologne: women deportation prison Neuss - Representatives of the Kalayaan - group/ London: live situations and self-organisation of migrant domestic workers - Representatives of the Antifa Thuringa: women in German asylum proceedings - Attention: shall take place in Jena-Forst ( refugee camp ) !: Caravan group Darmstadt: social situation of women refugees in refugee camps ( hygiene, isolation, violence experiences ) - possibilities of experience exchanges and for mutual support

8.00 p.m.: two movies from the women lesbian movie collective from Berlin: - A movie about illegalised domestic worker - "We are already there": a movie for the organisation of women at the French Sans Papiers

Organisational: There will be - depending each topic - women groups and mixed groups. This possibility is not directed against men, but be seen for the women. At place there will be the possibility to set up former working groups spontaneously. There will be - during the whole congress - women sleeping places and children care.

Contact and further information: Caravan Women Co-ordination group, Darmstadt, Phone: 0049-6151-313720, email: m_hammel at hrz.tu-darmstadt.de and: sisterfriend at gmx.de Menschenrechtsverein Bremen, see above

Friday, 28th of April "Unite Against Deportation" ( part one ) 9.30 to 12.30 a.m.: Introductory contributions: - The VOICE: social exclusion and residence obligation as precondition and simplification of deportation practice - Caravan group Munich: central deportation strategies and resistance approaches - N.N.: deportation detainment and resistance in and except deportation prisons - Kurdish people of the "Wanderkirchenasyl" ( travelling church asylum ): the significance or church asylum for the fight against deportation - "kein mensch ist illegal" ( no one is illegal ): airport actions, about the role of flight companies, campaigns against Lufthansa - Akububo Chukwudi and others: campaigns for prevention of deportations

2.00 to 6.30 p.m.: working groups, inter alia concerning the introductory contributions

Saturday, 29th of April "Unite against deportation" ( part two ) 9.30 to 12.30 a.m. and 4.00 to 6.30 p.m.: resumption of the working groups of the day before

2.00 to ca. 4.00 p.m.: theatre - from the place of event to the streets.... "Romeo and Leyla.de" - the classical love couple in a virtual world without frontiers; multilingual, intercultural play with more than 30 actors from Frankfurt/ Main and surrounding area

8.00 to 10.00 p.m.: final plenum on the topical complex

Contact and information: The VOICE e.V. Africa Forum, see above Caravan group Munich c/o Kulturladen, Ligsalzstr. 20, 80339 Munich Phone: 0049-170-8832749

Sunday, 30th of April Summary, results, demands, further discussion: "Manifesto for the rights of refugees and migrants - campaign strategies and the perspective of the Caravan project"

Human Rights and Dignity for All Monday, 1st of May Demonstration against Deportation Unite against deportation and social exclusion for an border-free society in Germany! All rights for Asylum and Freedom of Movements for the Refugees! Residence stay permit for all without exclusion!
>From 10:00am to 06:00am Start: Eichplatz
Fight against the apartheid "district pass laws" that forbid the rights to freedom of movements for refugees in Germany -Fight for the Abolition of the repressive state laws and discrimination against the refugee rights in Germany: -Free Movements, rights to work and education with choice to independent housing for refugees and asylum-seekers without their been restricted to live in the local police borders with the "districts pass" laws that forbid the rights to free movements for refugees in Germany. -Against criminalisation of foreigners for control and deportation! -Against concentration and isolatory home-Camps for refugees! -Abolition of deportation prisons and detention cells for refugees and migrants! Fight the Fortress Europe! -Stop Illegalization and Deportation of refugees and migrants! -Unite Against Deportation and Deportation threat for refugees! We are here because Europe continue to destroy and collaborate with repressive and corrupt governance in the countries of the refugees!

For an open society we fight against deportation and social exclusion!' NO DEPORTATION IS VOLUNTARY! ASYLUM IS HUMAN RIGHT!

Congress Co-ordination: The VOICE e.V. Africa Forum, Human Rights Group, Schillergäßchen 5, 07745 Jena Tel.: 03641-665214 / 44930, Fax: 03641- 423795 / 420270 Mobil phone: 01708788124, E-mail: THE_VOICE_Jena at gmx.de Bankverbindung: Kto.Nr.: 0231 633 905, BLZ: 860 100 90, Postbank Leipzig http://www.humanrights.de/congress Other Co-ordinators Int. Menschenrechtsverein Bremen e.V. Tel.: 0421 55 77 093, KarawaneKomittee in Hanau, Tel.: 0172 6688454

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