On the Use and Abuse of the Theses on Feuerbach

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sat Apr 8 09:52:35 PDT 2000

Anyone who makes casual use of the Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach is going to be expressing vulgar pragmatism, not any historical use of Marx's (extraordinary and wonderful) mumblings to himself as he was feeling his way towards what has since come to be called historical materialism. His focus in all 11 of the theses is epistemology -- he is thinking not about political activism but on the questions of the reality ("this-sidedness") of knowledge as they had been debated in Germany from Kant through the young Hegelians. One can best get a feel for the thrust of the eleventh thesis by pairing it with Mao's observation that if one wanted to know what a pear tastes like, one had to participate in the changing of the world by biting into one.


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