this is progressive?

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Thu Apr 13 10:25:10 PDT 2000

>>> Max Sawicky <sawicky at> 04/13/00 11:44AM >>>
"The anti-China rally yesterday has to stand as a low point in US labor history. . . .

The ball is trade deficits buttressed a regime totally hostile to trade unionism, democracy, and human rights,


CB: This is imperialist , anti-communist propaganda. The U.S. is the world's greatest enemy of trade unionism, democracy and human rights. To call on the U.S. to police these issues is like calling on the Mafia to police organized crime.


which deficits diminish the standard of living of U.S. workers and which regime degrades labor standards internationally.


CB: The main agent of degrading labor standards internationally has been the U.S. on behalf of imperialism, i.e. capitalism. The entire anti-communist Cold War of the U.S. was aimed at defeating the world working class on behalf of the world bourgeoisie, the ultimate lowering of "labor standards."


Labor's anti-communist rhetoric, such as it is, is nothing more than a politically opportunistic way of gilding the lily. Buchanan's obnoxious racism is no more than a sideshow.


CB: No these show the anti-workers of the world essence of these opportunist, company union laborites. These are the labor lieutenants of capital , doing the bidding of their capitalist captains.


Labor's campaign has zero to do with the history of U.S. militarism in Asia.


CB: It has everything to do with it. It is the latest episode in U.S. labor's support for imperialist war and economic war against the working class movement in Asia.


All of the fulminations on this list have no connection with what is happening on the ground in Washington this week. There's an evolving movement, and you ain't in it. Tough. Either shape up or find a hobby.


CB: Who are you trying to kid ? We are the allies of the workers of the world. You are the junior partners of big business.


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