this is progressive?

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Thu Apr 13 10:27:24 PDT 2000

>Either shape up or find a hobby.

Hey, Max, wait a minute. You mean you can't be part of this evolving movement - I like to think of myself as a member - and be critical of it too?

[mbs] There is criticism and there is abstention. The post was conducive to abstention. Abstention bad, support good. Grunt.

" What the hell is Pat Buchanan doing at a labor rally?

[mbs[ profiting from the abstention of the left. Given a critical mass of the latter, properly focused on trade, Patsy wouldn't have been at the rally, nor would he have his own movement.

>>>By definition, anywhere he is isn't a sideshow - he's a major political
figure. You don't invite him to speak without making a statement by his presence.

[mbs] My contention is that he is a sideshow because his line is instrinsically unconstructive to the progress of a labor-based anti-globalization movement. You can't be ranting about 'world government' and support social clauses. You can't demand labor standards without some quid pro quo on debt relief. You can't be pro-labor and be prone to chauvinist attacks on people who have familial connections to the most dynamic wing of the U.S. labor movement. As people come to understand the near-term goals of the anti-global movement, they will see increasingly the irrelevance, if not counter-productive nature, of Buchanan.

It's not a matter of understanding how awful Buchanan is or his current political preeminence. It's a question of understanding the incongruence of the logical positive development of the movement to PB's perverse policy prescriptions.

Becker's rhetoric is hideous too. You can criticize the Chinese regime without sounding like a xenophobe. The history of American economic nationalism is deeply wrapped up with Yellow Perilism, and it does no good to deny that.

[mbs] That was then, and this is now. It does no good to dwell on it now either, when new shit is happening.

Workers of the world unite, man. Doug

Plant you now, dig you later.


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