DC jail question

Max B. Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Tue Apr 18 18:30:34 PDT 2000

I called the number that was posted earlier to see if Henwood was languishing in some dungeon. The problem is if those arrested give their name as John/Jane Doe, the police can't tell you if they are in there. In any case, the cop told me nobody was being held any more. Take it for what it's worth. Even if they had someone, it is not obvious that a) they would tell you, or b) the person answering the phone would know.


-----Original Message----- From: owner-lbo-talk at lists.panix.com [mailto:owner-lbo-talk at lists.panix.com]On Behalf Of CranfordJL at aol.com Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 6:41 PM To: lbo-talk at lists.panix.com Subject: DC jail question

Anyone have any suggestions? We housed a couple of protestors for the IMF demonstrations over the weekend, but we haven't see one of them since Sunday night. We think he was probably arrested on Monday, but we're concerned because his affinity group had a communications person (someone who was going to avoid arrest) who would call designated contacts--in this case us and his partner--if he was arrested. Neither of us has been called, he hasn't surfaced, and we still have all of his stuff. So we're worried. Anyone (recently out of jail or otherwise) have any thoughts or information on progress in releasing the protestors?


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