Washington Post on A16

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Apr 19 22:14:26 PDT 2000

>. . . The discerning
>reader may judge whether what follows corresponds to BDL's
>bleak panorama of brainless dissent.
>April 13, 2000 Issue Brief #141
>Commission’s recommendations for World Bank, IMF need further consideration
>by Christian Weller
>What should the global financial architecture look like, and who should be
>playing a role in shaping it? . . .
>[cut to chase]
>Redesigning the international financial institutions
>The IMF and World Bank have been criticized for their mishandling of
>financial crises and the ineffective design and implementation of
>development projects, providing an impetus to reform these and other
>international financial institutions (IFIs). Fortunately, the issue is no
>longer whether, but how these institutions should be reformed.
>New and improved IFIs are needed, requiring a reconsideration of the IMF and
>World Bank’s policies and operations....These policy changes include:

Weller is smart, but is part of the (tiny) pro-IMF and pro-IFI movement, not the main channel of the left--the one that Seth calls the anti-IFI movement. In short, I count Weller as mine, not yours (whoever "you" are :-) )...

Is there space for a political platform that would quadruple the IMF's resources and require it to worry about the maintenance of near full employment during structural adjustment? I don't see it...

Brad DeLong

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