The rather disappointing conclusion:
>It was in that precise context that I had a memorable discussion
>with Mike Dolan, field director of the Citizens Trade Campaign. As
>one of the chief organizers of the Battle in Seattle, Dolan
>concentrated his efforts this week almost exclusively on A 12, the
>day of labor-backed lobbying against the free-trade pact with China.
>We chatted outside the Calvary Methodist Church on the night of A 16
>as the activists inside charted their plans for the second morning
>of direct action. I asked Dolan where he would be during that next
>morning's street protests.
>"I will not be participating in Monday's protests," he answered
>pointedly. "I have to go back to my real work of confronting the
>corporate elite on the most important and strategic trade vote still
>pending before this Congress - the China vote. That's a real victory
>we're about to score for this movement, and I can as much as taste