>>> Yoshie Furuhashi <furuhashi.1 at osu.edu> 04/22/00 02:45PM >
Some on this list mentioned their admiration for the work of Samir
Amin. If they like Amin, I should think that they should at least
have some thoughts on de-linking, South-South trade, etc. which have
been central to Amin's anti-imperialism. Just imagine how the North
Korean "Juche" might work, if it were practiced in alliance with a
number of Third World governments which collectively repudiated
international debts & were working to create a new regional
South-South aid & trade regime.
CB: This is not an impossible fantasy, and it is the gringos' worse nightmare in 2000.
For such a program to emerge on our political horizon, there would have to be a number of revolutionary movements in the Third World that actually controlled their states. Would American activists involved in Seattle & A16, currently happy working with the AFL-CIO, support such movements if they emerged?
CB: Young white radicals can do it, as the inheritors of the political legacy and spirit of the anti-Viet Nam war activists.