>>> "Carl Remick" <carlremick at hotmail.com> 04/27/00 10:08AM >>>
"It's doubly hallucinating to hear Mayor Giuliani denouncing the Elian
snatch as the work of 'Nazi storm troopers' when one remembers he was a
high-up in the Justice Department in the Reagan years, as the militarization
of law enforcement (under the rationale of waging the 'drug war') was
proceeding full-bore under his supervision. In consequence, killings by cop
squads have been going up steadily. Remember what happened to that
millionaire, Don Scott, outside Los Angeles? A snitch told the cops Scott
had marijuana plants on his property. They raided the property in full
force, and when Scott came out of his bedroom with a gun, thinking to fight
off intruders, they killed him. Probably in the region of a standard
delivery package of 42 shots."
CB: True this. But I wonder why he goes back in Giuliani's history rather than referring to the fact that Mayor G. is presiding over open terrorist rule in NYC today, right now , as we speak.