>>> Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> 04/28/00 12:36PM >>>
All you Leninists out there may be glad to hear (or maybe you won't,
since it might confound your paradigm) that at a reading last night
in NYC, Slavoj Zizek said that it was time to go back to Lenin.
"Everyone" now is talking about Marx, but that's too easy; we all
know about alienation and the "fetishism of merchandise." What we
need now, he said, is someone who'll cut off some heads.
CB: Confound OUR theory ? Seems more like it corroborates us. You Zizek fans who are not Leninists are the one's who face a contradiction on this, obviously. Sounds like you are projecting your confusion.
By the way, to a questioner who implied he was guilty of Eurocentrism, Slavoj said "Yes, I'm a Eurocentrist." He pointed to the ANC, which in all its decades of struggle against apartheid, never wavered from a dedication to "universal" Englightenment values.
CB: I am Eurocentric when it comes to unravelling capitalism , because capitalism is a product of Europe. We got to get inside European heads to undo it.
Dubois taught us about two souls, one Black and one white.