Loverman on the minwage

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Aug 10 07:49:14 PDT 2000

I asked Chris Lehmann to clarify his claim that Lieberman opposed the minimum wage increases. As he put it, he was against it until the Republicans caved on the issue. Chris pointed to this passage, from an article by Theda Skocpol in the Jan/Feb 97 ish of Mother Jones:

>During 1995 and 1996, the New Democrats opposed the popular minimum
>wage increase. They also urged, in the words of DLC chair Sen.
>Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), an end to "the current system of
>unconditional government entitlements [in favor of a] market-based

Of course, Bush and Cheney would be immeasurably worse.


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