Valley Girl Sez: Libertarianism Sux!

bill fancher fancher at
Wed Aug 23 17:13:26 PDT 2000

on 8/23/00 2:08 PM, Matt Cramer at cramer at wrote:

> the Microsoft Outlook you are using
Isn't using Pine the cyber-lib version of wearing a hair shirt?

> Richard M. Stallman and other GNU ( folks, believe that
> this kind of software provides the best avenue for using technology to protect
> personal liberty

But he's no Techno-Libertarian:

Richard Stallman: Well, I guess I am a sort of combination between a liberal and a leftist anarchist. I like to see people working together, voluntarily, to solve the world's problems. But, if we can't do that, I think we should get the government involved to solve them.


-- bill

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