Ambiguity as legal decision making

Carl Remick carlremick at
Tue Dec 5 15:12:43 PST 2000

>From: "Barry Rene DeCicco"
> >As I understand it, the immediate effect >of the Federal SC decision
>'vacating' the Florida >SC ruling was to overturn it. Even though >the
>Federal SC didn't actually overturn it, >it is now null and void. >It's
>actually a clever trick. For practical purposes, >the Federal SC has helped
>Bush, but they've got a smoke >screen of impartiality.
>As importantly for some of the conservative judges, they get the result
>without establishing SC precedents for liberal judges to interfere in
>voting rights violations in local elections in the future. It's one more
>clever, bizarre move in a totally bizarre election.
>-- nathan

All of which has enhanced my already profound reverence for the Majesty of the Law. I propose a new national motto for the USA: "Nice and Legal."

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