kelley kwalker2 at
Thu Dec 7 15:14:18 PST 2000

In response to Leo and Justin, Christopher B. Hajib-Niles wrote:


hope neither leo nor i got you in such a whirl that you started shooting blanks chris. and i know, i owe you a reply. i took a detour, obviously!


> Hey, Leo, if you don't like it around here, why hang out with us? It's not

> as if we don't have better things to do than watch you take up bandwdth with

> this sort of garbage. Kells, you can wear your fuck me pumps any old time.

> --jks



> >

> >How characteristically Kelley. First, make a big point

> >of pointing out what was obvious to the rest of the

> >world -- that the author of the letter was a complete

> >putzhead. [So obvious, that I couldn't even conceive

> >of another interpretation when I sent it.] Then

> >congratulate yourself on your masterful debunking

> >role. The only thing missing was that tired old line

> >about "fuck me pumps" that I have read so often it has

> >become as boringly predictible as the "all the news

> >that's fit to print" on the morning New York Times...

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