
Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Thu Dec 7 17:55:01 PST 2000

>. Relativity physicsa re realists as a rule; quantum
> > physicists are antirealists. It doesn't seem to matter to scientific
> > practice what one things on this matter.
>hell yes it does. i suggest that you study up on your quantum physics. it
>is a part of our daily economic lives and plays a roll in some very
>intriguing studies that are aimed at improving life for everyday folk.
>chris niles

Almost 20 years ago I aced the intro grad course in quantum at Michigan; also grad classes in stat mech and thermodynamics, as well as in special and general realtivity. I was going to be a philosopher of physics--I actually havea degree in hist & phil of science--but I sort of lost interest, or chanhged interests. This was a long time ago. When I was moving interstate a few years ago I looked at a bunch of my old books and discovered that my math was too rusty, and in my present situation, I was not likely to get it back. I sadly sold the books. They were pretty dusty anyway. But I still know a bit about physics. I would be pretty surprised if there was much in quantum physics that helped ordinary people in any direct way, or hurt them either. --jks _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :

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