>>> jkschw at hotmail.com 12/08/00 05:37PM >>>
Imagine how many Webers Lenin was worth.
Depends on what you want one for. Weber is one of the towering figures
CB: If I want one big statute, maybe Weber.
of western (ha!) untellectual hsitory; as a social theorist, he stands with Marx and Durkheim in the usual classification; I would say, raelly with Marx alone--I think Durkeim can't touch em. Lenin isn't a bad social theorist in a pinch, and of course Weber was no organizer, but Lenin can't claim a shred of Weber's depth and breadth of learning and profound originality.
CB: You must not have comprehended Lenin. His learning would cover Weber like a tent. His originality is revolutionary.
These days, I am a lot more likely to turn to Weber than to Lenin.
CB: Uhhuh