The Jim Crow Five and the Coming Political War

Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at
Wed Dec 13 13:53:15 PST 2000

>>why oh why do the repukes present themselves as victims all the time
then. what bizarre psychic torment do they go through in order to maintain that the lib'ruls run everything.

i don't get it????


******* Hey, now may be a good time to throw some of the repukes "hero's words of wisdom" in their face. To wit: "yes, if one happens to be delicately balancing the arguments for and against revolution, the theory here does shift the balance marginally in the revolutionary direction" [Mancur Olsen "The Rise and Decline of Nations" p. 140]. Olsen, of course, being one of the "Reagan Devolution's" hero's as well as one of the lead right wing economists from that era calling for disinflationary policies [esp. on the wage front].


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