Two Comments

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Wed Dec 13 15:45:25 PST 2000

LC: "I think that Max's insistence upon economic questions as the leading issues is a manifestation of the worldview (one might even say the hubris) of economists. The last great mass movements we had in the US -- the civil rights and anti-war movements -- were clearly not economic issue movements. . . .

Civil rights was importantly economic (i.e., the poor peoples movement/march). It was in fact intertwined with anti-poverty activities of various types, including welfare rights. Civil rights per se is fundamentally a process thing, I would agree.

Vietnam was not a process thing. The object was not, we should decide democratically whether or not to wage war in SE Asia. That was some of the background music. The main object was get the hell out. Very clearly an outcome demand.

If my position be hubris, it does not stem from being an economist. Being an economist stems from an interest of this sort. If it be hubris, it is prior to becoming an economist. Then again, my first grade teacher told my mother I was arrogant. Can't imagine why.


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