Pay up Seth!

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Dec 14 09:47:00 PST 2000

Nathan Newman wrote:

>Following in the footsteps of our good Vice President, I accept the
>legitimacy of the Bush victory, however much I may disagree with the
>SC decision giving it to him :) So pay up Seth!
>Now, in the case of a dispute on the bet, we could appeal to the
>highest tribunal of LBO, but my faith in the impartiality of judges
>has, as Justice Stevens worried, been shaken by this whole ordeal,
>so I might find myself accusing Doug of partisan decisionmaking -
>and I would not want to see the legitmacy of this hallowed list
>infected by the rancor of this election.
>So I think we will have to stick with the results of the electoral
>college as certified by the one vote margin in the Supreme Court.
>So pay up Seth!

As leery as I am of restoring your faith in the judiciary, the winner is whoever takes the oath on Jan 20.


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