As a matter of fact, I think that _workerism is rooted in ancient snobbery of intellectuals against predominantly manual laborers_. Workerists think that manual laborers are uninterested in questions of culture, sexuality, etc., patronizingly under-estimating manual laborers' intellectual capacity & interest. I have very little tolerance for workerism, because I was brought up by blue-collar dad & pink-collar mom who were & still are deeply interested in books, movies, etc. Politicized workers _especially_ have _no_ time for Philistinism, which workerists -- emblematized by the college-boy "junior Stalin" who is surprised to find a book in a back-pocket of a steel worker's pants that Mike LeFevre remembers in his oral history collected by Studs Terkel -- imagine is appropriate for the working class. Workerism turns off workers from socialism.