This may be one of those few times I concur with Nathan. The depth of this "legitimation" crisis sruck home yesterday when my best friend informed me that an old roommate of mine, who is a really smart guy who has spent too much time in academia, is so upset about the election that he wants to come to Washington for Inauguration. This guy is probably alot like Nathan and the other intellectual liberals on this list. He's never been an activist.
Changing gear a bit--there's an interesting article on about a headache that George W. is going to be having:
Many Europeans See Bush as Executioner Extraordinaire
We should expect to see a few riots whenever George W. travels abroad.
Then there is Secretary of State Colin "war criminal" Powell. Whereas Secretary Halfbright was an aspiring war criminal, with Powell we get somebody with a proven track record.
It will be interesting to see what kind of reception he'll get as he travels abroad.
<< Chuck0 >>
This was the year *everything* changed.
-- Commander Ivanova, 2261
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