Hard work

Daniel Davies d_squared_2002 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Dec 18 00:14:22 PST 2000

--- Chuck Grimes <cgrimes at tsoft.com> wrote: >

> From the list
> reactions, you would
> have thought I had advocated sex with animals, and
> all I did was say a
> few nice things about working hard.

Oh for heaven's sake. First they came for the professors, but I did nothing, for I was not a professor. Then they came for the intellectuals, but I said nothing, for I was not an intellectual. Then they came for the goat-fuckers and well .... here goes:


The soul needs to have sex with animals. The deep, hard, sweating, and crushing kind of animal sex that connects every fiber and bone of the body to the goat.

That is, the entire center of being is found in sex that unites body and goat. Digging bitches or sows, picking up large rams, bedding hare and chicken by hutch and coop, breaking broncos, and striking down into the hard, reluctant, heavy cow --the body needs to feel all the blood and breath pounding as it opens the skin and vessels in a kind of cold electric shock that produces rivers of sticky, salty, smelly, sweat that runs down your flanks and the inside of your legs until your socks turn squishy.

Your mind needs to swim in the pure pain and absolute exhaustion of it, for hours on end . . . .

etc, etc, etc,

===== “It is necessarily part of the business of a banker to maintain appearances and to profess a conventional respectability which is more than human. Life-long practices of this kind make them the most romantic and the least realistic of men” -- JM Keynes

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