From: Michel Collon <michel.collon at>
Dear friends,
I just come back from Kosovo where I shooted images for a TV documentary (50 minutes or more) about the situation of Serbs and other minorities in Kosovo today. I was helped by very good and courageous profesionals there. We now have 450 minutes of very good interviews in Betacam.
This situation is dramatic and is not improving although there is now another government in Belgrade. On the contrary. Two weeks before, the representative of Belgrade was almost killed by a bomb. Many assistents of Rugova are also targets. Some Albanians I interviewed believe a civil war will occur in the next years. Between Albanians.
I interviewed many ordinary Serbs: old people beaten, expelled from villages or houses, doctors, nuns, journalists, teachers and children in the schools, theatre actors, families of kidnapped or murdered persons.
I also interviewed representative of other national minorities: Goranis, Roms, Moslims, Egyptians, Turks, Jewish. Expelled or living under terror. The situation in the ghettos is really terrible.
1200 Serbs were kidnapped and I received documents showing how KFOR (NATO) does not really investigate to find them neither the perpetrators.
I also interviewed a responsible of the civil Unmik administration whose opinions are very significant.
How can you help?
1. Do you know profesionals - producer and and mounter - who coule help me? We have no money but we believe it is our duty to communicate the truth all over the world about this Nato occupation.
2. Can you help to make translated versions in different languages? The interviews are in Serb (or Albanian and English), and will be translated to French)?
3. Can you help for the circulation of the film (I believe it would be good to present it for the second anniversay of the war)?
Please contact me. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!
Michel Collo, email to michel.collon at
-- Michel Collon
Don't hate the media, be the media.