Defending Martyrs, Reclaiming Memory & History

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Dec 21 13:20:07 PST 2000

Hi Maureen:

> >_The Battle of Chile_ is available from First Run Icarus Films, but
>>it's dreadfully expensive: Sale/video, $490; & Rental/video, $175.
>>For more info, visit <>. So is
>>_Chile, Obstinate Memory_: Sale/video, $390; & Rental/video: $100.
>>See <>.
>Ouch. Guess I'll pass.
>I wonder what's behind the exhorbitant cost. What irony: one of the most
>powerful documentaries of politics and memory made can't be widely
>disseminated to help keep the fires of memory burning.

I fear the cause of the exorbitant prices is an insufficiently developed market for Marxist documentary films. Many good books by & for leftists are very expensive & beyond my budget also. Capitalist market production does not satisfy minority tastes very well, unless minorities in question are cash cows (on the average, I'm afraid we leftists are an impoverished bunch, rumors of champagne socialists & trust-fund radicals notwithstanding).

Lobby your local school & public libraries to buy the videos. Ask a local cinematheque or an independent movie theater (if there is any) to rent & show them. Or you can organize showings yourself, for a fund-raising bash, a left-wing cinema festival, & the like.

It takes labor of love to reclaim radical memory & history....


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