
Eric Beck rayrena at accesshub.net
Tue Dec 26 09:53:44 PST 2000

J Cullen wrote:

>>>small farmers who are struggling to stay on the land
>>Who vote Republican, rail against Washington, and live on federal
>>farm subsidies, right? And want the U.S. government to force open
>>foreign markets so they can export grain there, while evoking the
>>homey virtues?
>Yeah, a bunch of farmers vote Republican but take the Democratic farm

A quibble: Aren't these Republican farm subsidies as well as Democratic? Farm subsidies have quadrupled since the Gingrich Revolution, meaning the increases passed through both Republican-controlled legislative bodies.... Just trying to apportion the credit correctly, and maybe indicate that farmers are acting out of enlightened self-interest when they send Repugs to Washington


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