International dimension of CDU funding scandal

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Tue Feb 1 10:47:33 PST 2000

Reminded of the exchanges by David Noble and Ron Radosh (when Radosh was still in DSA, he quit and moved over to SDUSA, partly over the reaction to his book on the Rosenberg's) in the pages of The Nation over the SPD connected, Friedrich Ebert Foundation grant dollars to a DSOC conference on, Eurosocialism and America, "held around 1980. Participants included Willy Brandt, Felipe Gonzalez, Mitterrand, if memory serves. Later papers were published edited by either Bogdan Denitch or Nancy Lieber published by Westview Press, I think.

All that CIA money that the AIFLD ex-Lovestoneites, and ex-Shactmanites distributed to the more right wing parties of the SI, has been written about by many writers (Radosh, in American Labor & Foreign Policy, circa late 60's, Jay Lovestone would give that book away, Eric Chester book on Freedom House, NED, AIFLD, a book on Cold War Liberal/Tragic figure, "Dump LBJ" organizer Allard Lowenstein, by Eric Cummins [read William Chafe book instead on Lowenstein]. And of course the scandal exposed in 1967 over CIA funding of the National Student Association and Cold War funding of magazines like the Congress for Cultural Freedom rag, Encounter, are relevent, in light of this spreading scandal. Given the past events which exposed the rampant corruption in the Italian Christian Democrats and Craxi's Socialists (and the previous P2-Masonic Lodge and Operation Gladio) this stuff about the CDU isn't surprising, and if say Helmut Schmidt comes up in the papers to share the spotlight with Helmut Kohl, that wouldn't surprise me either. Any German readers on the list besides Johannes, that read Die Tagizutung(sic.) (Die Taz) or the SPD'ish Der Spiegel?

Finally for more on the CCCF, see James Petras review in a recent Monthly Review of a new book on that crowd. Also, Christopher Lasch in , "The Agony Of The American Left, " had a chapter on the CCCF.

Michael Pugliese

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