Rape/rape offender profiles

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Tue Feb 1 16:32:47 PST 2000


>(1) Animals "rape"? Silly anthropomorphism dies hard.
>Have you ever seen films of young Dolphins or ducks engaged in sexual acts?
>I'll be the first to admit that one hell of a lot of EP[SB] is crap. But
>there has been some progress in the Ethology of animal sex over the last 25
>years. Animals eat? How anthropomorphic....

What's the point of this analogy between raping and eating, though? That both are verbs doesn't mean the actions described by them belong in the same category of behaviors that have the same histories (biological & social). Humans cannot go without eating, but men can do very well without raping. I haven't heard of a man who died because he had no person to rape.


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