Electoral False Choices or False Options

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at oregon.uoregon.edu
Wed Feb 2 16:05:16 PST 2000

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Nathan Newman wrote:

> provincial thing in the world by their nature. Running an electoral
> strategy based on proportional representation in a country that lacks it is
> not rejecting provincialism, it's just being suicidal.

Hardly. You practice what you preach, create a culture of democrcy wherever you are (union, NGO, workplace, etc.), educate people on the merits of a PR system, of publicly-funded elections, try to get these introduced at the local level, achieve a critical mass, etc. Same is true for all the other parts of a Left project -- chopping the military down to size, funding education, creating a universal health insurance system. Local activism needs global cognitions, because that's how the total system works: as a totality. Sony, Daimler and Nokia already think globally and act globally; those who want to resist, contest or otherwise restrict their rule must do so, too.

-- Dennis

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