The Mysterious Ramsey Clark

t byfield tbyfield at
Thu Feb 3 09:32:10 PST 2000

> Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 18:43:57 -0800
> From: Michael Pugliese <debsian at>


> skim milk lattes, cell phones, Palm Pilots and S.U.V.'s) and to top it off
> their lawyers are Ron Kuby and the late William Kunstler. Well as the late

kuby and kunstler are two names that don't get along real well these days, iirc, and not just because the latter is no longer with us. of course, the fight was with kunstler's widow, mar- garet ratner, who has her own interesting connections. i think roger odisio's remarks about fractures in the ruling class are quite relevant here.

and the lawyer who represents the guy who DBAs as '' just got hired by a law firm named patton boggs for its brand- new office in suburban virginia. plug that name into your fav- orite search engine and you'll see how radical its sympathies are.

my $5 says the USG is Very Interested in anarchists in these post-seattle days.

cheers, t

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