> Why do men -- or even women like Catherine MacKinnon & Adrienne Rich for
that matter -- think that in a just society "where no pregnancy is a tragedy"
there won't be any abortion?
Errr... I wasn't thinking that. I had neither MacKinnon or Rich in mind... but it is important to remember that having an abortion is a medical procedure, where things can and sometimes do go wrong. I would think that surgery, minor or major, shouldn't be a celebrated goal. Obviously safe abortions should be legal. But the decision to have an abortion, for many women (maybe only some, maybe most, I don't know), is a painful and traumatic decision (if one can call it a decision). It would be nice to avoid the trauma to begin with. I simply meant that we should seek to create a world where pregnancy isn't tragic, I didn't mean to imply that such a world would not include abortions.