facts, science, muck and what ought to be done

kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca
Sat Feb 5 10:34:50 PST 2000

On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 11:14:06 -0500 Rob Schaap <rws at comserver.canberra.edu.au> wrote:

> >But you all can pat yourselves on your back about how enlightened you are
compared tor all of those benighted moralists.

> Nice one, Justin! But some aren't content to pat themselves on the back,
they have to call 'moralists' 'misogynists', too.

Beware thy God. We'd be foolin' ourselves to think that the antiabortion arguments aren't driven by an incoherent theological imperative...

bad subject, ken

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