Murray raves again: capitalist patriarchy hardwired!

Tom Lehman TLehman at
Sat Feb 5 20:06:39 PST 2000

"Murray sounds a lot like Saint-Simon two centuries ago: physics is advancing so quickly -- soon there will be a science of social laws that is just as predictive! Yeah, it's just around the corner."

---Michael Pollak

I get a real laugh out of people who try to re-invent the wheel too!


Michael Pollak wrote:

> > The neuroscientists, increasingly understanding how the brain works
> How the brain works, yeah. But have you ever asked a practicng
> neuroscientist what we know about thought? They just roll their eyes in
> helpless and familiar embarassment. Modern neuroscience is based on
> giving up the very idea of thought. They don't even have a clear idea of
> sensation. They do have more and more exact maps of the brain doing
> something, and they are better at inhibited or stimulating that activity.
> But the advances of modern neuroscience have actually made the divide
> between experimental science and philosophy wider than it was 60 years
> ago, not closer together. Certainly wider than in the days of gestalt,
> when scientists and philosophers shared common concerns and vocabulary.
> So the idea that we can assume a convergence by mere extrapolation is
> nonsense. One might as well assume that the exactness of modern
> econometrics is about to solve the problem of value -- the reason it's
> exact is precisely because it skipped that problem.
> Murray sounds a lot like Saint-Simon two centuries ago: physics is
> advancing so quickly -- soon there will be a science of social laws that
> is just as predictive! Yeah, it's just around the corner.
> Michael
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Michael Pollak................New York City..............mpollak at

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