The Psychoses (was Re: ...muck...)

kelley oudies at
Sun Feb 6 11:45:39 PST 2000

ken, the problem with framing things the way you did in the abortion example is this, what if you used the same example in terms of the 'born gay' argument. from this perspective the entire edifice of the dominant arm of the glbt movement with it's claims to biological necessity are "psychotic" -- right now a big dispute as chapters are being hammered by the queer by choice argument:

"a person who has decides to have an intimate sexual relationship with someone of the same sex even though s/he has been taught and is often told that it is wrong, but does so anyway because this seems more natural, comfortable, and s/he just doesn't feel natural in relationships with the opposite sex is said to be acting in a psychotic manner. ... ("It wasn't me! It was my biological destiny. I was born that way!!")."

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