Ramsey Clark article

Chip Berlet cberlet at igc.org
Mon Feb 7 09:08:58 PST 2000

Most of the liberal attacks on Ramsey Clark are indeed redbaiting, and to claim he has moved to the left because of a woman is sexist.

Nor for a progressive critique:

Ramsey Clark has not moved the the left at all. He has become a right wing populist with an anti-elite and anti-government critique that from a different perspective matches the ideological formulations of the Workers World Party and its allies with whom he works closely around issues of anti-imperialism and anti-repression.

Clark has also spoken at LaRouche functions as their attorney in several appeals matters, but in the course of his speeches he appears to have adopted some of the LaRouche anti-elite political line.

During the Gulf war, Clark and his office mates facilitated a short working arrangement between the Workers World Party influenced coalition whereby LaRouchites and their followers appeared on the stage along with leftist antiwar critics.

For more on this:


There are times when it is difficult to distinguish anti-imperialist and anti-government critiques of the Workers World Party and the LaRouchites and other fascist groups. This ideological and textual sloppiness facilitates Red-Brown alliances such as that between Lenora Fulani and Pat Buchanan. This is happening around the world...see:


Anti-elitism, anti-government critiques, anti-repression arguments and anti-globalization arguments can be found on both the left and right during the current historical period. This does not make all of us one big happy family.

This is what people like Nader do not understand.

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