Wrong, Untrue, Incorrect.

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Tue Feb 8 10:01:22 PST 2000

>The reason why Ken & other followers of Lacan & Zizek don't want to
>renounce the recourse to the use of the word "psychotic" must be that while
>they want a word that damns their objects of criticism, they can't bring
>themselves to using such words like "bad," "wrong," "untrue," "incorrect,"
>"ideological," etc.

Ken has used all of these words, except perhaps for 'bad' -- I don't recall that one.

Zizek wrote a book called _The Sublime Object of Ideology_. In there, as well as in all of his books, you will find uses of the word 'ideology'. You will also find the words 'truth', 'wrong', 'incorrect'.

So, then, you are wrong, you lie, you are incorrect.

I don't know about psychotic, but I don't think you're connecting much with -- what was Carrol's phrase? -- minimal verbal accuracy.

What that means, is that indeed you're incapable of reading. This is not a matter or interpretations. It is however a matter of ethics. You are unethical.

Getting all flirty with the boys in the hope that they'll be chivalrous and pull you out of your own mess doesn't impress me much either. What might impress me instead is if you apologised to Ken in particular for making shit up.


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