Sweet Irony- Gay Student Clubs use Conservative Legislation

Nathan Newman nathan.newman at yale.edu
Wed Feb 9 21:50:26 PST 2000

A gay support club in a California city recently won an injunction supporting their right to meet in defiance of a ban by the school. The AP today had this story on their lawsuit against the school board:

"The school board announced its decision after the group filed a lawsuit in November charging that the board was illegally delaying action on the application.

The suit cited the Equal Access Act of 1984, the Fourteen Amendment guaranteeing equal protection and other civil rights laws. The 1984 act provides that schools allowing groups to meet in extracurricular clubs cannot deny certain groups to meet because of the content of their discussions.

The legislation was passed by Congress at the urging of conservative groups pushing for religious meetings in schools, but it has since become an effective tool for gay rights groups seeking similar privileges."

Nathan Newman nathan.newman at yale.edu

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