de-skilling (was Re: Zizek = the Third Way (was Re: Zizek on Haider))

Peter K. peterk at
Sat Feb 12 10:23:05 PST 2000

In a rare post, i.e. pot shot, Eric writes:

>Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>>Why are late modern philosophers so damn prolific? Philosophical
>>speed-up & de-skilling, it must be.

So being prolific is now a crime? I thought that maybe Eric was turning this quote back on Yoshie, but I doubt anyone would consider her de-skilled. "De-skilling," I'd take it, refers to Zizek's use of popular culture.

Clint Burnham writes in _The Jamesonian Unconscious_ "Would Zizek have achieved quite his notoriety or popularity if he didn't talk so much about Hitchcock and other mass-cultural texts widely available in the Anglo-American world?"

And Kelley, I'm afraid you lost me back at "twice now" but don't let that stop you - no shit, right? - and anyway I for one do sort of enjoy reading stuff which I find incomprehensible - overdetermined? - even though there seems to be some logic at work behind it all. slipaggingly yours,


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