lux et veritas and "New Times"

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Sun Feb 13 09:51:30 PST 2000

Two comments-remember Oscar Wilde's quip in, "The Soul Of Man Under Socialism, " that the only problem with socialism is that it would take too many evenings! (esp. if one person can block consensus and Maoist criticism and self-criticism closes the meeting, on that general topic, btw, maybe it's time to reread the Jo Freeman piece, "The Tyranny Of Structurelessness").

On the culture of the left, the old New Left historian, Jesse Lemisch, had a piece in The Nation in the early 80's entitled, "I Dreamed I Saw MTV Last Night, " that was a good send-up of the insular Birkenstockinazation of the left sub-culture. (Too bad Phil Ochs never followed up, "Love Me, I'm a Liberal, " with a song satirizing us lefties) Boy, did the letters to the editor fly, almost as many as an Alex C. polemical fusillade.

On the "New Times"/Marxism Today folks, they have a website, I think you can find it by going to the Lawrence & Wishart website. L & W were the CPGB publishers. On the CPGB more generally, a good history of the battles between the Eurocommunists and the "Tankies" around the Morning Star newspaper is in a paper written by a Brit libertarian (but for all that is pretty objective and doesn't quote von Hayek or allude to the Mont Pelerin Society once). The URL is...well, guess I should have saved that paper as a text document since the site I found it on, the Libertararian Alliance in Britain only routes you to an ISP. Found lotsa other interesting pieces though this Salon piece on Ken MacLeod, the Brit "Trot libertarian" sci-fi novelist looks interesting. And found some other kooky stuff like, "Offshore Banking Is Not Evil!" and some exotic looking weaponry from Paladin Press linked from a site with a speech from Baroness Lady Thatcher.

Michael Pugliese

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