Save us from 60s Nostalgia (RE: Sweeney DefendsGoreEndorsement

kelley oudies at
Wed Feb 16 23:13:59 PST 2000

>Reading something like this makes me wish there was a Hell for the
>author to burn in.

well, he does have that precious line about bad economists being doomed to become sociologists in their next life. frequently used to mock sociologists but krugman maintains that it was actually a slam against economists who think they actually say anything significant and don't work with the same difficulties in "measuring" as sociologists purportedly do..

on that note, as you know, i fwded the jails and jobs thing to a soc list. most ppl were thrilled to have it for their crim classes. one fellah, though, objected with the typical spiel. i replied that you *did* point out that this was an indicator best used, not to tell us anything about the state of the market and inflationary/recessionary tendencies, but rather about the general state of society: alienation, disenfranchisement, marginalization, conflict/social control and all that blah blah we're supposed to fucking deal with in the first place rather than squabble over formulae that don't account for this phenom or that.

"only some socts have bigger brains"

--raphael allen


ps, ange, sorry my symptom carried me away! i should have opened a box of calgon. get back to you since i'm overlimit

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