Wallerstein: Camdessus the radical

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Thu Feb 17 08:13:41 PST 2000

[Thanks to Steve Sherman for pointing this out.]


Comment No. 34, Feb. 15, 2000 "The Head of the IMF: A Secret Radical?"

Sometimes, when important persons take leave of their public life, they feel the need to make a bow to historical truth and seek to be remembered for more virtuous analysis than they normally had made earlier. This was the case when the last military man to be a president of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower, gave his farewell address in 1961. In that speech, he warned against the dangers that a "military-industrial complex" was coming to control the decisions of the U.S. government. This has been a theme ever since of the U.S. left but it has not been a theme frequently repeated by subsequent Republican politicians.

The story may turn out to be similar with the "farewell speech" of Michel Camdessus, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). On Feb. 13, 2000, the day before he was to leave office after 13 years (the longest term of any Managing Director), Camdessus addressed the Tenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Bangkok. He said some very radical things.

He started by noting what he called the paradox of the present world economic situation: "promise - unprecedented prospects in certain fields - but financial instability and 'exclusion,' the so cruel situation of the poorest and the anxieties of so many in the world." He said we must recognize that "there are serious reasons for this anxiety." He called on everyone to "recognize that poverty is the 'ultimate threat' to stability in a globalizing world."

After all the speeches we have had from the IMF and its ideological consorts about the primacy of growth as an economic objective, Camdessus now tells us: "It is recognized that the market can have major failures, that growth alone is not enough, or can even be destructive of the natural environment or precious social goods and cultural values. Only the pursuit of high-quality growth is worth the effort."

Camdessus italicized "high-quality." And he proceeded to define this term in language one usually hears from the critics of the IMF: "growth that can be sustained over time without causing...imbalance; growth that has the human person at its center...; growth...based on a continuous effort for more equity, poverty alleviation, and empowerment of poor people; and growth that promotes protection of the environment, and respect for national cultural values."

And from this point, Camdessus moves on to virtual populism: "Popular support for stabilization and reform cannot be counted upon, unless the whole population. including the poorest - and by the poorest I mean those that not only are out of the loop, but even more are unable to contribute their experience - is able to participate in the formulation of the policies and, of course, in the benefits from those policies." Camdessus attributes the anxiety that is widespread to the fact that globalization "has not yet demonstrated that it is concerned enough, or capable of overcoming the great concern of our times." And that concern, he says, is poverty.

As recently as the latest Davos conference, we were being assured that a rising tide raises all ships, and that globalization would prove of benefit to everyone. But no, says our secret radical, the Managing Director of the IMF, "the widening gaps between rich and poor within nations, and the gulf between the most affluent and most impoverished nations, are morally outrageous, economically wasteful, and potentially socially explosive." Widening gaps? There are those of us who have argued this for a long time, but only now have we had the assent of the IMF, at least the rhetorical assent. Perhaps the gaps have grown to be so wide and so obvious they can no longer be hidden from the blindest.

Furthermore, says Camdessus, "poverty is no longer inevitable, if it ever has been..."

What then should we do? Camdessus recommends a five-point program for the poor countries. Points two to four are standard gospel: sound macroeconomic policies, promotion of the free market, and a web of laws that support the functioning of markets. But see point number one: "country-driven strategies that make poverty alleviation the centerpiece of economic policy...." And point five: "well-targeted and cost-effective social safety nets, a shift in public spending towards basic social services in education and health care, and efforts to provide income-earning opportunities for the poor."

And what does he recommend for the "development partners" of the poor countries? First of all, "unrestricted market access for all exports from the poorest countries, including the HIPCs [heavily-indebted poor countries]." And "backing up all the pledges to reduce poverty with financial support." The excuse of "aid fatigue," Camdessus says, "is not credible." And one more surprising suggestion: "restraining the sales of military equipment to sensitive regions; abolishing the provision of export credit for military purposes."

To reassure us that he hasn't yet joined the ranks of the demonstrators in Seattle, Camdessus does end with a fairly standard list of four broad areas in which multilateralism should be enhanced: liberalization of trade, liberalization of payments, liberalization of capital movements, and (to guarantee the first three) the strengthening of the international financial architecture. However, even there, as an example of new architecture, he proposes replacing the G7-G8 Summit with a meeting of about 30 countries, all those "who have Executive Directors on the Boards of either the IMF or the World Bank," because this would be "a representative grouping of world leaders with unquestionable legitimacy." So obviously he feels that the G7-G8 does not have "unquestionable legitimacy."

What are we to make of this speech, which will not pass unnoticed? I think we should not persuade ourselves that it means that the leaders of world capitalism have suddenly become egalitarians. Rather, we should view it as meaning that the intelligent among them are genuinely worried. But worried about what? About two things essentially: The first is a financial crash. In an interview following the speech, Camdessus said: "I am ringing the alarm bell to our member countries to tell them that we run the risk of a new financial crisis." He particularly pointed to the U.S. economy, whose "low rate of savings, rapidly growing current-account deficit and high stock prices were cause for concern." And there are "also worrying vulnerabilities in other parts of the world." And worst of all, all this, he says, is "combined with complacency."

The second cause for worry is the widespread popular rejection of so-called globalization. It is this worry that is most fundamental. Camdessus furthermore is not alone. During the so-called Asian financial crisis of just a few years ago, the policies of the IMF itself were strongly criticized by senior world conservative figures like Henry Kissinger and Jeffrey Sachs precisely because the latter felt that IMF policies were neglecting the social consequences of its economic policies and would lead to populist disturbances, as they said it had already in Indonesia. Perhaps Camdessus was listening.

The point is that when those in power are worried, there is usually something to worry about, for them. Camdessus is worried. Immanuel Wallerstein

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