Chomsky speaks

Brett Knowlton brettk at
Fri Feb 18 08:26:06 PST 2000


>>> So that's 350,000 slaughtered in the past two years? Brad DeLong
>> Oh, go ahead: read the next sentence...
>"presumed"; which means what? Are the presumptions accurate or not?

Chomsky got these figures from the UN mission, and is relying on that source, which is explicitly stated in his piece. His figures are as reliable as the source. There is probably a lot that simply isn't known. Has the UN mission been able to canvass the whole country? Maybe they missed a bunch of people simply because they haven't looked everywhere. There is probably no way of telling whether or not his presumptions were accurate, unless we have more info now (of which I'm unaware).

>Why would people still be hiding in the mountains?

Gee, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with seeing their homes burned and fearing for their lives while the militias are still around.


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