Karl Marx, the Bohemian Club, and the State of Feminism...

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at mmp.Princeton.EDU
Sun Feb 20 23:47:00 PST 2000

Brad noted:

> the Marx that I know--Marx the economist--is a
>weaker and less profound thinker than the Marx the sociologist or
>Marx the political analyst that the others no.

Leaving aside the question of whether Marx was an economist at all, I kindly request that you suggest to us non economists

1. the most important economic criticisms of Marx's *Capital* and "economics" generally. 2. the most important post Marxist Marxist work and its most important criticism. 3. some indication of what his sociological and political strengths actually were.

Thank you. I would truly appreciate your estimation of matters Marxist.

Yours, Rakesh

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