Wojtek the Late Modern Skeptic

Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at accessone.com
Tue Feb 22 15:59:20 PST 2000

>>Nominalism? Wojtek, you're taking us all the way back to medievalism and
scholasticism! While nominalism was once an innovation preferable to Platonic idealism, nominalism can only take you as far as Hobbes, Hume, etc. War against abstraction as such gets you stuck in empiricism (which is a form of idealism in so far as it is only sustained by the individualism of commodity fetishism). Further, as Terry Eagleton notes, you can always find a more radical nominalist than you are, in that your preferred unit of analysis is, in turn, always subject to a nominalist criticism of abstraction.

We need a distinction of proper and improper abstractions, which can't be found in a purely nominalist thinking.

Yoshie =========

Really Yoshie? Have all the contingencies and contestabilities of reference been overcome and the "rigid designator" problem been solved? Eagleton unwittingly implies a logical atomism antidote to the open ended iterativity of lots and lots of referents; a program that failed way back, yet long after Hobbes, Hume etc. Indeed, the spectrum of proper/improper abstractions is itself sorites susceptible and yet another source of discordian political economy.


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