The Most Recent Purge From Marxism-List by Louis Proyect

Tony Abdo aabdo at
Tue Feb 22 22:16:02 PST 2000

Once again there has been a purge by Louis Proyect. Proyect's calling card has been his often stated declarations of being a non-sectarian innovator on the Web. Someone that has broken away from his earlier training within the Socialist Workers Party. But observing how he moderates the marxism-list, it is easy to find parallels to how Jack Barnes runs the SWP.

The latest person to get Louis's standard threat.....straighten up, or I will unsub you....... had done nothing more than object to a ridiculous horror-mongering article, about somehow the KLA being involved in the trafficking of children's body parts. This was a very crude propaganda piece by a certain Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, who just 2 weeks before had put a similar piece of trash on line about immigrants causing crime. She appears to be some sort of Yugoslav government mouthpiece.

The victim was accused of trying to incite a flame war. Michael Pugliese is someone who has held diametrically different positions with me on the whole issue of what he was accused of trying to start a flame war about (the NATO war in Yugoslavia). Now we share the same position of having been booted off the marxism-list, though Michael wisely left after the first speech-chilling threat. In my case, I was unsubbed for supposedly being pro-Buchanan. The falseness of this accusation, must have given extra pleasure to Mr. Arbitrary.

It's humiliating to be told that certain topics are taboo for everybody but you. And it's also characteristic of a Stalinist sort of mentality. What does it say about those that continue on a list with this type of ambience put in place? Everybody will just continue on line, as the Great Leader threatens or banishes?

Michael, my sympathies are with you. You were the most informative poster on the marxism-list. You are difficult and aggravating at times, but that's a pitiful excuse for any action taken to shut you up. Plus, despite being in total disagreement with me when I got the boot, you went out of your way to show solidarity. I remember this well. Thanks.

Hopefully The Left will construct better forums for discussion than what exists at marxism-list. Proyect's efforts to enforce his ideas of political correctness on the group, will become increasingly unpalatable.

Tony Abdo

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