Joanna Sheldon cjs10 at
Thu Feb 24 22:23:59 PST 2000

>I've been away from NYC for a few years (thank god...), but something in
>this whole Hillary Bubble escapes me: why do otherwise rational politicos
>seem to think she has a chance in hell of winning? Has someone repealed the
>iron laws of New York State politics? Isn't the equation still
>upstate=republican, NYC=democrat?
>If Hillary gets a single upstate county, it'll be a miracle, and Herr
>Guliani still has enough juice in the City to dilute any majorities she
>might rack up there. So why are these people prostrating themselves in
>front of her?

Not quite a miracle, Jim. Tompkins County residents will probably vote for her, damn them -- for there dreams the town of Ithaca, once the proud owner of a Democratic Socialist mayor, five-star stop-off for Utne Reader readers, birthplace of local currency -- (take THAT, Chase Manhattan), and home to the world's highest concentration of PhDs serving lattes.

Remember, too, that NY had a strongly anti-death penalty Democrat governor in Mario Cuomo for 12 years (little did we know they were golden), and he wasn't elected three times in a row JUST by The City.

Still, you're right, at least these days, the mood upstate is overwhelmingly Republican.

As for the WFP, they've lost my support. In the first place it's clear Hillary would, in clearly established Clinton tradition, merely perform Trojan Horse service for right-wing social policy as the "Democratic" party bends over one more time (read the Wendy Kaminer article Doug posted if you need persuading), but aside from that I draw the line at supporting any candidate who's in favour of the death penalty.

I know having principles leaves us with fewer and fewer options every year, I know that. But supporting the interests of Big Money is not a reasonable choice even when there's no alternative at all. Especially when there's no alternative at all.

Joanna (ex-Ithacan, now observing from a safe distance, in Sydney) mailto:cjs10 at

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